Human Resources
- HSC OP 70.01 Employee Leave
- HSC OP 70.04 Compensation
- HSC OP 70.05 State and Federal Group Insurance Benefit Plans
- HSC OP 70.06 Working Strategies
- HSC OP 70.07 Retirement Savings Programs
- HSC OP 70.08 Nepotism
- HSC OP 70.11 Appointments to Non-faculty Positions
- HSC OP 70.12 Values, Performance, and Development
- HSC OP 70.13 Workers' Compensation Insurance
- Attachment B - Employee's Report of Injury
- Attachment C - Authorization for Release of Information
- Attachment D - Witness Statement
- Attachment E - Employee's Election Regarding Utilization of Sick and Annual Leave
- Attachment G - Supplemental Report of Injury
- Attachment H - Network Acknowledgement Form
- HSC OP 70.14 Employee Development and Tuition Assistance
- HSC OP 70.18 Dual Reporting and Multiple Employment
- HSC OP 70.20 Employment Background Screening Policy
- HSC OP 70.23 Reductions in Force
- HSC OP 70.27 Appointment of Student Employees
- HSC OP 70.29 Employment of Postdoctoral Fellows
- HSC OP 70.31 Employee Conduct, Coaching, Corrective Action, and Termination
- HSC OP 70.35 Team Member Information Integrity
- HSC OP 70.36 Communicable and Transmittable Disease Control in the Employee Workforce
- HSC OP 70.39 Drug-Free Workplace Policy
- HSC OP 70.41 Drug and Alcohol Testing for Safety-sensitive Positions Requiring a Commercial Drivers License
- HSC OP 70.42 Break Time for Nursing Mothers
- HSC OP 70.43 Early Return-to-Work (ERTW)/Alternate and Light Duty Assignments
- HSC OP 70.46 HIV/AIDS Policy For The Workplace
- HSC OP 70.47 Staff Emergency Fund Operating Policy
- HSC OP 70.55 Consensual Relationships - Faculty, Staff, and Residents
- HSC OP 70.60, Remote Work
- HSC OP 70.61, Wellness Program Leave