University Awards | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center


泫圖弝け students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.

We take pride in our faculty and their outstanding contributions to our mission. This page highlights the recognitions awarded within the 泫圖弝け community, celebrating our facultys role in fostering a positive, forward-thinking environment where our students can thrive and succeed.

We are grateful for the many ways our faculty shape the future of health and are honored to acknowledge their achievements. Thank you to these recipients for inspiring us with your dedication and passion; you embody the values that make 泫圖弝け a leader in health sciences education and service.


Recognizing Excellence

TTU System Chancellor Dr. Tedd Mitchell often says that "the people in West Texas are not ones to brag..." Here at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center's (泫圖弝け) we sometimes have to force ourselves to stop and take a moment to appreciate the hard work from our team members, or as Dr. Mitchell would say, to brag. This page is dedicated to all the awards made available to our faculty and staff. Our 泫圖弝け family is committed to creating, promoting and fostering an organizational environment that values growth and development opportunities for all HSC team members. Here is the comprehensive list of all awards available to the 泫圖弝け community. 


Grover E. Murray Professorships

Since its establishment by the Board of Regents, the Grover E. Murray Professorships--named in honor of the first president of 泫圖弝け--have been the highest distinctions that the university can bestow onto members of its faculty. Recipients are chosen by the president for outstanding scholarly achievement in research, teaching and clinical practice. 

Faculty members who have been previously named Grover E. Murray professors are:


Dr. Neil Kurtzman 
Dr. John Orem

Dr. Quentin Smith

Dr. Doug Stocco 

Dr. Abraham Verghese 


Presidents Awards

The Presidents Awards recognize faculty members with unparalleled contributions to medical education, research and clinical care. Prestigious awards in seven categories are presented annually in mid-November. 



Presidents Excellence in Teaching Award
Chris Selby, Pharm.D.

Presidents Excellence in Research Award
Kendra Rumbaugh, Ph.D.

Presidents Outstanding Clinician Award
M Tarek Naguib, M.D., MBA

Presidents Excellence in Community Engagement Award
Timothy J. Benton, M.D.

President's Early Career Investigator Award
Sharilyn Almodovar, Ph.D.

Presidents Excellence in Interprofessional Collaboration Award
Larry Munger, Ph.D., LAT, ATC
Amy Moore, DNP, APRN, FNP-C
Inola Mello, DNP, APRN, FNP-C
Gary Kearns,  PT, ScD
Brad S. Allen, PT, ScD

President's Team Teaching Award 
Betsy Jones, Ed.D.
Alice Villalobos, Ph.D.
Cassandra Kruczek, Ph.D.
Felix Morales, M.D.


University Distinguished Faculty

The title of distinguished faculty is granted each year to members of 泫圖弝け faculty who have clearly exhibited outstanding achievement in teaching, research and service. Recipients hold this honor throughout the remainder of their active service at 泫圖弝け.

List of current and past recipients: 

2024 Eric J. MacLaughlin, Pharm.D.
2024 Lance R. McMahon, Ph.D.
2024 Wade Redman, Ph.D., MBA, MT(ASCP)
2024 Donna Owen, Ph.D., R.N.
2022 Volker E. Neugebauer, M.D., Ph.D.
2021 Teresa E. Baker, MD
2021 Theresa Byrd, RN, MPH, DrPH
2021 Kerry K. Gilbert, PT, ScD
2021 Cynthia Jumper, MD, MPH, MACP
2021 Laura Opton, DHSc, RN, CNE
2021 Dawndra Sechrist, OTR, PhD
2021 Amanda Veesart, PhD, CNE, RN
2021 Jeff Watson, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, CNE

2020 Victor J Test, MD, FCCP
2020 Yondell Masten PhD, WHNP-BC, RNC-OB
2019 Brandt Schneider Ph.D.2018 Kevin Pruitt Ph.D.
2018 Kendra Rumbaugh Ph.D.
2018 Terry McMahon M.D.
2018 Dale Dunn M.D., MBA, FCAP, FASCP
2018 Sharmila Dissanaike M.D.
2018 Thomas Hale Ph.D., R.Ph
2016 Richard Leff PharmD
2016 Patrick Reynolds MD, Ph.D.
2016 Jannette Dufour Ph.D.
2016 Kumuda Das Ph.D.

2016 Michael Conn Ph.D.
2016 Steven Sawyer Ph.D.
2016 Hal Larsen Ph.D.
2016 Roger James Ph.D., FACSM
2016 Candace Hicks PH.D., CCC-A
2016 Melinda Corwin Ph.D., CCC-SLP
2016 Edward Yeomans MD
2016 Gary Ventolini MD
2016 Patti Patterson MD, MPH
2016 Mubariz Naqvi MD
2016 Vadivel Ganapathy Ph.D.
2016 Kathryn Sridaromont Ph.D.
2016 Melinda Mitchell-Jones JD, MSN
2016 Pearl Merritt Ed.D., M.S., MSN, RN, FAAN


Distinguished Staff Awards 

An acclaimed group of awards for 泫圖弝け non-faculty team members, the Distinguished Staff Awards program recognizes and supports the achievements of 泫圖弝け staff members who exemplify the highest level of university values and characteristics. The five levels of awards available allow for a range of recipients across 泫圖弝け campuses. In celebration, an employee picnic is held each year to recognize award recipients.



Chancellor's Council Distinguished Teaching & Research Awards & Chancellor's Award of Excellence 
Recognizing academic excellence, these honors are the most prestigious awards granted to faculty throughout the TTU System. The awards are funded by gifts to the Chancellors Council, a giving society that supports the chancellors priorities across the TTU System. Each year, award recipients receive a stipend and an engraved medallion or plaque for their academic contributions to the university.

List of current and past recipients: 

2024 - Susan Bergeson, Ph.D.
2024 - Luis Cuello, Ph.D.
2024 - Sarai Granados, MS, CCC-SLP
2024 - Krystal Haase, Pharm.D., FCCP
2023 - Dr. Sanjay K. Srivastava
2023 - Dr. Courtney M. Queen
2023 - Dr. Lisaann S. Gittner
2022 - Dr. Duke Appiah 
2022 - Dr. Amy Stark 
2022 - Dr. Jen Collins 
2021 - Dr. Susan Calloway
2021 - Dr. Tammy Carter

2021 - Dr. Volker Edgar Neugebauer
2020 - Dr. Vadivel Ganapathy
2020 - Professor Sherry Sancibrian
2020 - Dr. Thomas Abbruscato
2019 - Dr. Steven F. Sawyer
2019 - Dr. Vardan T. Karamyan
2019 - Dr. Donna Owen
2019 - Dr. Min Kang
2018 - Dr. Eric J. MacLaughlin
2018 - Dr. Simon C. Williams
2018 - Dr. Kendra P. Rumbaugh
2018 - Dr. Phil S. Sizer

2017 - Dr. Eric J. MacLaughlin
2017 - Dr. Simon C. Williams
2017 - Dr. Kendra P. Rumbaugh
2017 - Dr. Phil S. Sizer
2016 - Katie Bennett
2016 - D. Elizabeth Goebel Jones
2016 - Richard Leff
2016 - Billy Philips
2015 - Dr. Melinda Corwin
2015 - Dr. Craig Cox
2015 - Dr. Alyce Ashcraft
2015 - Dr. Kumuda Das


Distinguished Alumni Awards

Since its creation in 1999, the Distinguished Alumni Awards have commended those whose efforts within their fields have created a positive impact on their community, offering recognition for each school under several different categories. Previous recipients have been acknowledged for their significant successes in research, leadership, community outreach, and clinical care, among others.


Presidential Distinguished Alumni Award

In 2015, 泫圖弝け introduced the Presidential Distinguished Alumni Award. This recognition is considered to be the highest honor bestowed by the university, recognizing and honoring alumni who have made significant contributions to the health care profession.