Telehealth | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center


Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵ students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.

Transforming Health Care, Improving Patient Experiences

In the wake of the urgency highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic, Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵ strives to expand and evolve the accessibility of medical care. Telehealth is a valuable vehicle to extend health care across our region and beyond, and in collaboration with our partners we are committed to growing current and future telemedicine opportunities.

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What it means to invest in Telehealth at Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵ: 

  • Supporting clinical operations as telehealth visits make up an ever-increasing percentage of total clinic visits 
  • Supporting academic opportunities such as our Frontiers in Telemedicine (FIT) Laboratory, which trains practitioners using hands-on, competency-based methods
  • Supporting program development such as the Texas Child Mental Health Consortium, which uses telehealth to provide mental health resources to students, parents and health care providers

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  • In response to COVID-19, our clinical operations quickly pivoted to increase telehealth visits, which represented 20% of our total clinic visits from April to December 2020
  • Our managed care program conducted an average of 25,000 telehealth visits annually across correctional facilities in West Texas


  • Telehealth is integral in our curriculum for training future health care providers
  • Practitioners receive hands-on training in competency based methods through our Frontiers in Telemedicine (FIT) Laboratory

Program Development

  • Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵ is a partner with other Health Related Institutions (HRIs) in the Texas Child Mental Health Consortium created by Senate Bill 11 in the 86th Legislative Session
  • The Consortium is utilizing telehealth as the basis in the development of its programs to provide additional mental health resources to students, parents and health-care providers
  • The Campus Alliance for Telehealth Resources (CATR) and the Texas Child Access Through Telemedicine (TCHATT) programs have enrolled 72 school districts, providing services to approximately 150,000 students

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Telemedicine’s Perfect Storm

Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵ was ready to take telehealth to the next level and COVID-19 opened the door, ushering in a new era in health care delivery.

male patient visiting with a physician using telehealth

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Learn more about the strategic initiatives from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.


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