Social Dimension
Social Wellness
Developing and maintaining healthy relationships with others as we seek to improve the communities in which we live.
- Spend quality time with family members (spouse/partner, children)
- Develop a network of friends and make time for them
- Stay in contact with extended family and friends who live far away
- Get involved in a faith community, civic organization, or other group
- Participate in charity events or other group activities
Tips for Social Wellness:
- Develop the art of “active listening”; be open, suspend judgment, avoid the temptation
to interrupt, ask questions that increase understanding, and summarize what you’ve
- When disagreements occur, beware of the temptation to become competitive or combative;
think “Let’s build something together (understanding, a solution)!”
- Deposit valuable “relational currencies” into the banks of your relationship; these
are things that communicate caring and create connection, such as listening, positive
verbal statements, acts of service, and time together.